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“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”.” Isaiah 30:21

I read a quote that said, “don’t ask God to guide your steps when you aren’t willing to move your feet”, and it honestly spoke volumes to me. Because, recently, I’ve been challenged to have a new mindset when it comes to my day-to-day. The new mindset being: asking God to direct my steps throughout my day and that I will accomplish His “to-do list”, not mine.

You see, we all, to some extent, have a mental schedule to check off. Whether you have your day planned out to the second or have flexible hours, it’s hard to let God have His way in your day. Why? Because we want to have a form of control. We want to do this, say that, talk to this person, avoid that person – whatever form it may come in, we want to have control in how our days are played. 

Here’s the thing: God will never demand us to surrender the control we’re clinging onto the second our feet hit our bedroom floor. Never. BUT, don’t ask God to guide your steps if you aren’t ready to go to where He’s guiding you. If you’re not ready to surrender your control, you’re not ready to go where He wants to take you.

Here’s another thing: we get to choose to be ready. We get to choose to, every day, surrender this control and ask God to not only direct our feet, but to also help us be bold, obedient, and faithful to where He’s guiding us. Not only do we need to surrender control, but we also need to surrender whatever may be holding us back from actually moving.

And sometimes, God’s direction to move isn’t always a clear one. Sometimes all He tells us to do is move; take a step of faith and trust Him in the process. So not only do we need to choose to be ready to surrender control but to also be ready to just go when God tells us to go – especially when we don’t have the full picture or any clue as to where we’re going.

Being ready requires a lot, but just imagine and dream of the places God will take you if you just start with the simple steps of surrender and just going. Remember: you reap what you sow. So ask yourself: what are you sowing? And, how can you change that so you’ll move when God tells you to move?

be. ready 

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Chloee Jean is a co-founder of We His Kingdom, a Podcaster, a Digital Creator, Worship Leader, Social Media Manager, and a firm believer in Christ. She was born and raised in a Christian home and spent her days as a little girl singing songs, playing around on the piano, and drawing with her crayons. After years of hardships and trials, Chloee found escape in her music and writing her own lyrics. She pursued a Worship Leader certificate at Bethel Music’s Worship School. When she completed her course, she led worship with her sister, Aliseea, at a small youth group they were both currently serving in. After they both stepped down from that role and during 2020’s pandemic, Chloee started her own podcast called W.O.W. She now finds joy in speaking God’s Word, singing about it occasionally with her sister, and creating digital designs to point others back to God and His Word. When Chloee isn’t designing or podcasting, she spends quality time with her family by having game nights, a movie marathon, or even jamming out to some worship songs. To find her on social media, check out her Instagram page!

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